Monday, October 18, 2010

Alaska, the Maybe Malamutey.

When my daddy got me, he was told I'm a malamutey.
I'm not sure I'm a malamutey.

I met one last week and he looked nothing like me.
Of course there may be bigger and smaller malamuteys, and hairier and not so hairy malamuteys. Maybe even white malamuteys.

But I met one last week and he looked nothing like me.

When Dr Dog sees these pictures, I know what he's going to say,

"Why Alaska, he looks nothing like you! How can that be?!"

I'm not sure I'm a malamutey.

But that's okay, because my daddy still loves me.
"Are you sure YOU'RE a malamutey?"


This post was inspired by Alaska, who may or may not be a malamute, whom we met at Callan Park last week. Thanks for telling us your story!

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